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Friday, September 23, 2016

Week of September 26th

This Week's Focus:
sight words:  
see, a, I, the, like,  to, can, and
color:  brown
shape:  circle
letter identification:  Xx, Yy, Zz
Phonemic Awareness:  beginning sounds
Writing: Writing sentences using our sight words and stretching out unknown words
Reading Strategies:  make your finger match the word,
                                 look at the Pictures (Eagle Eye)
                                check the first letter of the word (lips the fish)
Comprehension Skills: retelling and story elements (characters, setting, problem and solution)
Theme: Apples
Math: Comparing Sizes 
Student of the Week:  Hayden

Important Dates:
September 27th:  Jog-a-Thon
September 30:  Minimum Day/Crazy Hair Day/Apple Pie Day
October 7: deadline for parent volunteer paperwork
October 17: Field trip to pumpkin patch
October 21: Box Tops due
October 28:  minimum day
October 31:  Scarecrow Day

We have almost completed the first phase of our phonics program.  We will briefly learn about letter Xx, Yy and Zz this week and then we move onto our second phase.  After briefly introducing each letter of the alphabet in phase one,  our second phase our phonics program will focus on two letters per week.  There will be more emphasis on letter formation and letter sounds.  We will work on phonemic awareness skills such as rhyming, beginning sounds, onset and rime, blending phonemes.  


Our jog-a-thon will be Tuesday!!  We will be jogging at 10 am.  Remember, I appreciate any donation given!  Your child can ask family and friends for support in this.  Please turn in your jog-a-thon donations that day.  Only cash can be accepted.  These donations go directly to our classroom for this year's costs.  Again, any amount is appreciated.

Field Trip:

Thank you for turning in permission slips and donations for the field trip!  It is going to be a great time!  Remember, if you are planning to join us, you must pay at the door and you must let me know.  There are very strict rules from the state and the school that we must follow in regards to chaperones.  I appreciate your understanding.  

Parent Volunteers and TB Tests:  
   Please remember, no paperwork will be accepted after the October 7 cutoff.  

Apple Pie Day:
Thank you to those who have offered to donate items for our apple pie day.  Please send in your items no later than September 28th.  

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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week of September 19th

This Week's Focus:
sight words:  and
see, a, I, the, like,  can, 
color:  purple
shape:  rectangle
letter identification:  Ss-Ww
Phonemic Awareness:  beginning sounds
Writing: Writing sentences using our sight words and stretching out unknown words
Reading Strategies:  make your finger match the word,
                                 look at the Pictures (Eagle Eye)
                                check the first letter of the word (lips the fish)
Comprehension Skills: Inferring and retelling
Theme: Little Red Hen
Math: Numbers to 10
Student of the Week:  Aubree

Important Dates:!
September 27th:  Jog-a-Thon
September 30:  Minimum Day/Crazy Hair Day/Apple Pie Day
October 7: deadline for parent volunteer paperwork
October 17: Field trip to pumpkin patch


Jog-a-Thon is next week!  If you would like to come help tally laps and are board approved to volunteer, I need a few more helpers.  Also, we would love to have some water bottles donated and some popsicles to enjoy after our run.  Let me know if you can provide either of those.  I appreciate any donations that are collected.  Again, I use the donations to buy things we need for our classroom such as paint, construction paper, crayons, glue, playdoh, craft items, class party items, and we are in need of a new cd player that I will order.  All money can be turned in on or before the jog a thon.  Thank you for your support!!!

Field Trip:

Please turn in permission slips and $12 donation for our field trip.  All parent volunteers must have all paperwork turned in and fill out a parent volunteer slip.  Please let me know if you will be attending.  All parents drive themselves and pay at the door.  Remember, no siblings please.  

Number Writing:

It is a good idea to practice number writing with your child if he or she can not write their numbers 0-9.  Print out the number practice sheet from the homework tab to assess your child's number writing ability.  This can be incorporated into your weekly routine to be sure your child is mastering their number writing to 30.


We have been learning about apples and seasons in our classroom.  Thursday we made our own applesauce and we enjoyed it on Friday!  Ask your child how we made our applesauce!  

Apple Pie Day:

We will be making apple pies on September 30th.  I will have a sign-up sheet on the classroom door if you'd like to donate an item.  If you can't make it to the classroom door, let me know and I can sign you up for something.  Please send items before September 28th.

Parent Volunteers:
Thanks for contacting me and letting me know what day is best for you!  I will contact you this week.  

post signature

Friday, September 9, 2016

Week of September 12th

This Week's Focus:
sight words:  can
                    see, a, I, the, like, 
color:  blue
shape:  diamond
letter identification:  Nn-Rr 
Phonemic Awareness:  Single sounds
Writing: Writing sentences using our sight words.
Reading Strategies:  make your finger match the word,
                                 look at the Pictures (Eagle Eye)
                                check the first letter of the word (lips the fish)
Comprehension Skills: making connections and visualizing
Theme: Seasons
Math: Numbers to 10
Student of the Week:  

Important Dates:
September 12- 16:  Book Fair
September 14:  Applebee's Eat out Night
September 15: Ice Cream Social 6-8 pm Come shop the Book Fair!
September 27th:  Jog-a-Thon
September 30:  Minimum Day
October 7: deadline for parent volunteer paperwork
October 17: Field trip to pumpkin patch

Assessment Results:

I assessed all students on letter names, sounds, colors, numbers to 30, shapes and sight words.  Your child's results are in their take home folders.  Please take note of your child's results.  If they do not know their letter names, please make it part of your nightly routine to go over letter name flashcards.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child's assessment results.  I'm happy to go over them with you!


I am looking forward to a successful jog-a-thon this year!  Remember, the money we raise as a class goes directly to our class this year.  I will use this money to buy construction paper, paint, class store items, etc.  Students can ask family members, neighbors and friends for flat donations and donation papers along with more information is in your child's take home folder.  Thanks for your support in this fundraiser!

Field Trip:

Check the Take Home folder for information on our first field trip!!  We will be heading to the pumpkin patch on October 17th!  If you have not turned in your paperwork but would like to go on the field trip, you must turn in your paperwork now in order to be board approved before the field trip. The district will NOT allow you to meet us there if you are not board approved.  Thanks for your understanding.  

Book Fair:

If you would like to send money in an envelope marked "BOOK FAIR", I will be taking the students on Tuesday at 10:30.  I can be sure their money is safe.  If you'd like to shop with them, you can do so before or after school or at our Cram Family Night on Thursday Sept. 17.  

Sight Words
Don't forget to practice your child's flashcards nightly and send them in when your child knows them.  These are the kindergarten sight words and students will be assessed on them throughout the year to see their progress.  Students should be moving on to the green list if they haven't done so already.  

Book Orders:

If you placed a scholastic book order on line, our order should arrive in about a week.  I'll let you know when I am sending those orders home.


Click on the "Homework" tab above to find the share topic.  Many students did not do their share homework last week.  Please help your child set up a homework schedule at home that will help them be successful in future grades.

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Friday, September 2, 2016

Week of September 5th

I hope you are enjoying the three day weekend!  We had a great week!  We made applesauce and tasted apples!  We will continue to celebrate fall by learning about seasons next week!  Hopefully some Fall weather will arrive soon!

This Week's Focus:
sight words:  see, a, I, the, like
color:  green
shape:  hexagon
letter identification:  Ii-Mm
Phonemic Awareness:  Words in oral sentences
Writing: Writing sentences using our sight words.
Reading Strategies:  make your finger match the word, look at the Pictures (Eagle Eye)
Comprehension Skills: inferring and making connections
Theme: Apples
Math: Numbers to 10

Important Dates:
September 5: No school
September 9:  BBQ lunch day (flyer coming home Tuesday)
September 12- 16:  Book Fair
September 14:  Applebee's Eat out Night
September 15: Ice Cream Social 6-8 pm Come shop the Book Fair!
September 27th:  Jog-a-Thon
September 30:  Minimum Day

Homework Change:

I am changing the format of our homework.  I think you will like the change.  My goal was to make it more systematic and independent for your child.  You will find the new homework in the take home folder on Tuesday.  Share homework will still be the same as well as reading and sight words.  

Letters and Sounds:

The new homework will not have letter flashcards.  Please note which letters we are covering this week and make flashcards for your child if he/she does not know her letters and sounds.  


I have been assessing students letters, sounds, numbers, colors, shapes.  I will send home an assessment letter and the results in a week.  These results will tell you what your child needs to work on.  


Our annual jog-a-thon date has been set for September 27th.  This is a chance for your child to gather donations and run with ME (I love to run) to earn money that goes directly to our classroom this year.  This is the only fundraiser whose money goes directly to YOUR children's classroom.    More information to come!

Book Orders:

I sent home flyers for Book Orders last week. Thanks to those who already ordered!   I will push the orders through on Tuesday the 6th.  If you'd like to place an order, just click on the book order tab to find our classroom code.  

Room Parents:

Our room parents will be:
Jenni Gallego
Tayaba Syed

Room Parents are different from parent volunteers.  If you signed up to help in the classroom, I will be setting up a schedule.  I am waiting for Board Approval for those of you who have turned in ALL your paperwork.  I will contact you mid September.  The deadline for paperwork is October 7th.  No paperwork will be accepted after that.  Paperwork can be found by logging into the Parent Portal site.

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