This Week's Focus:
sight words: like, the
color: orange
shape: heart
letter identification: A-C
Phonemic Awareness: Rhyming
Writing:"I like the"sentences
Reading Strategies: make your finger match the word, look at the Pictures (Eagle Eye)
Comprehension Skills: characters, problem and solution and making connections
Theme: Friendship
Math: Numbers to 5
Important Dates:
August 25: Picture Day
August 26: Minimum Day All students come 7:45-11:35 (pick-up from classroom door)
September 5: Labor Day (No school)
We are hoping to have 100% parent participation in joining our ptsa. An envelope was sent home the first week of school and membership is $7 per family member. If you could, send back your membership fee this week, we would appreciate it!
The kids are doing an excellent job of practicing and returning sight word flashcards!
If you plan to volunteer or attend any field trips this year, you must log in to the parent portal and print out the parent volunteer forms. These must be filled out and turned into myself or the office before October 7. No parent volunteer paperwork will be accepted after that date. If you volunteered to help in the classroom, I am waiting for you to be board approved and will let you know as soon as you are. Thanks for your patience.
Emergency Cards:
Please log on to the parent portal to print your child's emergency card. Fill this out and return it to me ASAP. This is not optional and must be turned in.
Classroom Texting:
This is working out well for the most part! It is proving to be a fast and easy way to communicate! There have been a few instances when I have not received a parent text or vice versa. If you do not get a response from me within 12 hours (I usually respond very quickly) you can assume I did not receive the text and either resend or call me during school hours (7:15-2:45). I will never not respond.
Homework packets will begin this week. They will be in take home folders Monday and need to be returned on Friday. Please click the homework tab to find more info on this week's homework.