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Friday, October 20, 2017

Week of October 23rd

This week:

Sight Words:  you, what
Theme:  Pumpkins
Language Arts:  Inferring, problem and solution
Math: Measurement
Social Studies:  Maps
Writing:  Drawing pictures, adding labels, writing 1 sentence
Phonics:  Ff
Grammar: Complete Sentences
Brisket:  Addison

Important Dates:

Red Ribbon Week:  10/23-10/27
Barnes and Noble Night:  10/26 (wear your costume)
October 27th: Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
October 31st:  Halloween Centers (parent help please)

Halloween Party:
We will be having some Fall/Halloween Centers on October 31st beginning at 12:00.  If you are available to help that afternoon, please send me a message on Remind. 
Can anyone pick up some Fall Candy corn?  They have an Autumn mix that has pumpkins and other Fall shapes that we will use for a patterning activity.

Field Trip:
You can meet us at school and follow the bus at 8:45 or at the pumpkin patch at 9:20.  Each chaperone will have a small list of students who they will keep a close eye on.  
Our field trip will be on October 27th.  Please note that if you are not chaperoning, you may not meet us at the patch.  All chaperone names are pre-approved by Mrs. Joye and the district policy does not allow parents to "meet" at an event without approval.  This is for the safety of the students.  Thank you!  

Things you want to start incorporating into your child's homework:
1.  Writing letters Aa-Zz (you can print out the Alphabet Writing Chart by clicking on the homework tab and scrolling down).
2.  Writing numbers 1-30 (this chart is also under the homework tab).  

*We have been practicing "stretching out" unknown words in our writing.  Have your child reference their sound/letter chart on the back of their take home folder for help.
I want to share with you what we have been learning about writing so you can support me at home when it comes to the Share Homework.  If you have been writing a sentence for them up to this point, that's great.  I am asking that you shift your support at this point so your child can gain more confidence in writing.  Here's what I'm teaching:
In class we have been writing stories by drawing pictures.  We have been learning that our pictures should tell who was there, where they were and how they felt.  We have been learning that we want to use MANY of the crayons in our crayon box to draw details.  For example, if I am telling a story about my trip to the park, I would include the following details in my picture:
a sun, some clouds, grass, the swings I went on, the picnic lunch I had, my two boys and I would use as many colors as I could from my crayon box.
After our detailed picture is complete, we have been learning to tap our details and tell the story.  (If the students can't tell a story, how will they ever learn to write a story?)  My tap and tell would sound something like this as I touched the appropriate parts of the picture:
"I went to the park with Jonas and Mattias and it was a sunny day.  We went on the swings and we had a picnic on the grass.  I packed sandwiches and watermelon.  We had a great time.
After tapping and telling, we have just begun adding labels to our picture.  I'm encouraging the students to write the sounds they hear in the object they are labeling.  For example, if we are labeling the sun, a beginner may just write an 's' for the beginning sound.  That's great!! Some students may write 'sn' because they hear the beginning and end.  Some students are working at a level that they are hearing beginning, middle and ending sounds.  We want to support the child at their level and build their confidence as their phonemic awareness improves.
I am encouraging students to add 1-2 labels to their pictures in class.

Thanks for your support!  Remember, share homework is due EVERY WEEK, any day but Friday.

Sight Words:
Words we've been working on in class:

Please put these in flashcards and practice them if your child can not read these words.  Thank you for your support.  

Don't forget that practicing Sight Words is a part of your child's homework. Each child has a baggie with his/her name and green flashcards.  Please help your child learn these words at a pace that is appropriate for them.  I will be teach the words I and see next week but many students are ready for more than just 2 words a week.  When your child knows all the words, have them return them to me in their Take Home Folder for a quick test.  I'm looking to see that your child is NOT sounding out the word, but recognizing it quickly.  They will receive a Brag Tag and then move onto the next list.  Students who pass all 8 sight words lists will receive a prize!  

Please click on the 'Homework' tab to see the homework for this week

Sign Up For Parent Conferences
Click on this calendar to sign up for your parent teacher conference.  Be sure to scroll to the week of November 12th to see appointment times.  Please contact me if you are having any trouble. If you are not signed up for a conference by the end of the week, I will assign a time to you.  Please sign up asap. 

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