Holiday Performance
In the past, kindergarten has always done a holiday sing for their parents. This year, Mrs. Joye decided to have a school wide Winter Performance. Because of this new event, Kindergarten will not be doing it's kinder holiday sing on the 15th. We will be participating in the Winter Performance on December 7th at 6pm at the U of R. The December 15th event has been replaced by this.
Holiday Store
This is a PTSA fundraiser that will allow your child to shop and pick out some special gifts for family members. Check your child's backpack today for more info on this. I will be taking the students to shop on December 4th. If you'd like them to shop, please follow the instructions on the paperwork coming home today.
Holiday Surprises
I am asking each student to send in 21 small trinkets to share with the class for the holidays. These may be small toys, pencils, erasers, NO FOOD ITEMS. We will be filling small stockings with these trinkets so please be mindful of their size. These can be brought to school any time over the next few weeks. Please clearly mark that they are for our stockings. Thank you
We will be having our holiday centers on December 15th at 11:45. I would love parent help on this day. All volunteers in the classroom must be board approved. Please message me if you'd like to help on this day.
Toy Drive
We are collecting toys for children in need. If you choose to donate new toys, please send them in and mark them clearly with a post-it that says "toy drive". Thank you.
Holiday Centers
I will send out a message of some items I need for the holiday centers. Thank you in advance for your willingness to donate items.
We are collecting toys for children in need. If you choose to donate new toys, please send them in and mark them clearly with a post-it that says "toy drive". Thank you.