Sight Words: play, say, new
Theme: friendship
Story Element: sequence of events
Comprehension Strategy:
Math: Numbers to 100
Writing: Sight Word Sentences
Phonics: Jj
Important Dates
February 10: Dismissal for kindergarten will change to front of the school. Please note the details on the letter that was sent home.
February 12: School Spirit Day: Dress like your favorite M&M color
February 14: Valentine Centers
February 17: No School
February 21: Minimum Day
One School One Book:
Hope everyone is enjoying The Chocolate Touch! We will take a break from reading it this weekend and continue on Monday with chapter 5!
Valentines Day:
We will be celebrating Valentines Day in here on February 14th. Cards, trinkets and candy are fine. Please do not address the Valentines to specific students, but instead just send 23 for your child to pass out. It is too hard for them to read the names. We have 23 students who celebrate Valentines Day and we will be passing them out in a systematic way. Thanks for your help in making this day run smoothly. If you'd like to help with centers that day, let me know. I will need at least 5 volunteers from 9:30-11:15ish.
Please click on the homework tab to see the share topic and our daily homework page will come home in red folders on Monday.