sight words: will, be
this, find, is, how, are, now, you, what, with, me, come, my, we, go, see, a, I, the, like, to, can, and
Phonics: Qq and Zz
Phonemic Awareness: phoneme segmentation
Reading Strategies: make your finger match the word,
look at the Pictures (Eagle Eye)
check the first letter of the word (lips the fish)
look for letter teams in the word (chunky monkey)
stretch out the sounds in the word (stretchy snake)Comprehension Skills: inferring, problem/solution
Theme: Polar Bears
Math: Geometry
Student of the Week:Addison
Important Dates:
February 8-12: Mixed Bag Fundraiser (these went home Friday)
February 12: Minimum Day/Valentine Party (Parent help needed)
February 15: No school
February 26: Minimum Day
March 1: Spring Pictures
March 4: Spring Centers (parent help needed)
March 11: Minimum Day & 3 Piggy Opera performance
Valentine Party:
We will have a Valentine party this Friday. If you are able to help with centers that day, please send me a reminder text.
Also, there are a few items we need for that day. I will put a sign-up on the door or you can text me and I'll sign you up.
We will be having a Valentine exchange that day. If you would like to send some valentines for you child to pass out, PLEASE send one for every student. We have 24 students in class. I also ask that you do not put names on your child's valentines. It is very difficult to pass out specific valentines to specific students when there are 24 students. Just have your child sign their name showing it is from them. Thanks for your support here. It makes things go MUCH smoother.