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Friday, September 9, 2016

Week of September 12th

This Week's Focus:
sight words:  can
                    see, a, I, the, like, 
color:  blue
shape:  diamond
letter identification:  Nn-Rr 
Phonemic Awareness:  Single sounds
Writing: Writing sentences using our sight words.
Reading Strategies:  make your finger match the word,
                                 look at the Pictures (Eagle Eye)
                                check the first letter of the word (lips the fish)
Comprehension Skills: making connections and visualizing
Theme: Seasons
Math: Numbers to 10
Student of the Week:  

Important Dates:
September 12- 16:  Book Fair
September 14:  Applebee's Eat out Night
September 15: Ice Cream Social 6-8 pm Come shop the Book Fair!
September 27th:  Jog-a-Thon
September 30:  Minimum Day
October 7: deadline for parent volunteer paperwork
October 17: Field trip to pumpkin patch

Assessment Results:

I assessed all students on letter names, sounds, colors, numbers to 30, shapes and sight words.  Your child's results are in their take home folders.  Please take note of your child's results.  If they do not know their letter names, please make it part of your nightly routine to go over letter name flashcards.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child's assessment results.  I'm happy to go over them with you!


I am looking forward to a successful jog-a-thon this year!  Remember, the money we raise as a class goes directly to our class this year.  I will use this money to buy construction paper, paint, class store items, etc.  Students can ask family members, neighbors and friends for flat donations and donation papers along with more information is in your child's take home folder.  Thanks for your support in this fundraiser!

Field Trip:

Check the Take Home folder for information on our first field trip!!  We will be heading to the pumpkin patch on October 17th!  If you have not turned in your paperwork but would like to go on the field trip, you must turn in your paperwork now in order to be board approved before the field trip. The district will NOT allow you to meet us there if you are not board approved.  Thanks for your understanding.  

Book Fair:

If you would like to send money in an envelope marked "BOOK FAIR", I will be taking the students on Tuesday at 10:30.  I can be sure their money is safe.  If you'd like to shop with them, you can do so before or after school or at our Cram Family Night on Thursday Sept. 17.  

Sight Words
Don't forget to practice your child's flashcards nightly and send them in when your child knows them.  These are the kindergarten sight words and students will be assessed on them throughout the year to see their progress.  Students should be moving on to the green list if they haven't done so already.  

Book Orders:

If you placed a scholastic book order on line, our order should arrive in about a week.  I'll let you know when I am sending those orders home.


Click on the "Homework" tab above to find the share topic.  Many students did not do their share homework last week.  Please help your child set up a homework schedule at home that will help them be successful in future grades.

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