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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Week of April 1st

Welcome back!  Hope everyone enjoyed their 2 weeks of Spring Break!  This is the ending stretch of kindergarten.  Our big goal is to reach a level 5 reading level.  Students who are below this are usually lacking sight words.  If you notice your child is reading below a level 5 (it is on the back of their guided reading book), now is the time to start diligently working on sight words, rereading their guided reading books as much as possible and working each night at least 10 minutes on learning sight words.  

This week:
Sight Words: all, when, some
Theme: Spring
Story Element: Characters/Setting
Comprehension Strategy:  Connections
Math:  Comparing Numbers
Writing: Narratives
Phonics: Jj
Phonemic Awareness Skill:  Medial Sounds

Pennies 4 Patients:
We will begin a whole school fundraiser this month, stay tuned!

Important Dates:
April 10:  Minimum Day
April 19:  Spring Centers 9:30-11:15 (parent help please)  



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Monday, March 11, 2019

Week of March 11th

This week:
Sight Words: Review all sight words
Theme: Leprechauns
Story Element: Characters/Setting
Comprehension Strategy:  Connections
Math:  Comparing Numbers
Writing: Narratives
Phonics: Ee
Phonemic Awareness Skill:  Medial Sounds

Important Dates:

March 13:  Minimum Day
March 18-29:  Spring Break

3 Piggy Opera:
Thank you for coming out for our play!  The kids were so excited to perform for you!
Upcoming Field Trip:
I have contacted the parents whose names were drawn from the lottery.  If you did not get a message from me via Bloomz, your name was not chosen.  Please keep in mind that you are welcome to volunteer in the classroom at anytime.  Just let me know.  

We have a very mischievous leprechaun who has made his way into our classroom!  We have decided we need some leprechaun traps to catch him!  Please see your child's red take home folder that came home Friday for this week's homework.  Have fun and be creative!  This will be your child's only homework this week.  

Spring Break:
It is extremely important that your child continues to practice sight words and reading daily through out the break.  Remember, our goal is to have your child reading at a level 5 or higher before the end of the year.  This level can be found on the back of their guided reading book.  If they are reading below a level 5, it is usually because they are not recognizing sight words.  Please help your child reach this level to ensure success in first grade by working hard on their sight words.  Reading folders will be coming home next week now that I am done with district assessments this week.  

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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Week of March 4th

This week:
Sight Words: she, over, her
Theme: Spring
Story Element: Characters/Setting
Comprehension Strategy:  Connections
Math:  Comparing Numbers
Writing: Narratives
Phonics: Ee
Phonemic Awareness Skill:  Medial Sounds

Important Dates:
March 5:  Reading Night 6:30-7:30
March 8:  Three Piggy Opera performance
March 18-29:  Spring Break:

3 Piggy Opera:
We are very excited to do our 3 Piggy Opera play for you on March 8th!  Our play will start promptly at 1:15 in the cafeteria.  Please arrive early enough to check in through the office and meet us in the cafeteria.  Everyone is invited.  You do not need to be board approved to come watch the play.  If you'd like to invite grandparents or other family members, they are welcome as well!  
Upcoming Field Trip:
We will be visiting Garden Works in Yucaipa on May 1st.  Please see the informational letter that will be in your child's Take Home Folder on Monday.  There is no cost to the field trip thanks to the Jog-A-Thon donations from earlier in the year.  The letter has all the information you need.  Please return your child's permission slip ASAP.  

No share homework this week.

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