Sight Words: the
Theme: Transportation
Story Element: Details
Comprehension Strategy: Visualizing
Math: Numbers to 5, Sorting
Writing: Names and alphabet
Phonics: Jj-Mm
Important August Dates:
August 26-30: Book Fair
August 29: Picture Day
August 29: Ice Cream Social
September 11: Jog-a-thon
Share Homework:
Several students did not bring their share homework last week. Remember, this is a weekly part of homework that is due Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. The topic is different each week. Please help your child get into the habit of consistently completing their homework. When your child reaches first grade, they will have consequences for not completing their homework. Thanks for your support. The share homework topic can be found by clicking on the homework tab. If you are on your mobile phone, you need to scroll all the way down to the bottom of this page and click on 'web version' in order to access the tabs on the website. Please contact me if you are having trouble finding the homework.
Book Fair:
The Book Fair is happening this week at Cram. You can take your kiddo to visit the book fair or you can send money in a sealed envelope labeled with your child's name to school on Wednesday and I will take them at 1:00 on Wednesday afternoon. Please understand that I do not plan to take them again after our Wednesday slot. If you send money on Thursday or Friday, I will not be taking classtime to go back to the Book Fair. You may send your child's envelope Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and I will hold onto it until we go. Keep in mind, there are toys and trinkets for sale at the book fair. If you only want your child to purchase books, please label the envelope 'BOOKS ONLY' and we will be sure they do not purchase trinkets and toys with their money. Any questions, please message me.
Ice Cream Social:
This will take place in the MPR Thursday evening at 5:00. The book fair will be open at this time if you prefer to shop with your child. Unfortunately I can not make it to this event because my boys have cross country practice and pick up is at 5.
Our annual jog-a-thon will take place September 11. This is a fun event that helps raise money for our classroom. As I mentioned at orientation, the funds I receive for supplies and materials is quite limited. The jog-a-thon allows the kiddos to help raise extra money for our classroom by asking friends and family for donations. I will be sending the paperwork home this week and hopefully your child can be a part of helping to raise extra money for our classroom! I definitely appreciate your support!
Please click on the Homework tab to see this week's homework
Spirit Days:
As a staff, we have decided to change our spirit days.
Wednesday will be Cram Spirit Day (wear a Cram shirt or red/black)
Friday will be University Day (wear SDSU shirt or SDSU colors black and red)
The Book Fair is happening this week at Cram. You can take your kiddo to visit the book fair or you can send money in a sealed envelope labeled with your child's name to school on Wednesday and I will take them at 1:00 on Wednesday afternoon. Please understand that I do not plan to take them again after our Wednesday slot. If you send money on Thursday or Friday, I will not be taking classtime to go back to the Book Fair. You may send your child's envelope Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and I will hold onto it until we go. Keep in mind, there are toys and trinkets for sale at the book fair. If you only want your child to purchase books, please label the envelope 'BOOKS ONLY' and we will be sure they do not purchase trinkets and toys with their money. Any questions, please message me.
Ice Cream Social:
This will take place in the MPR Thursday evening at 5:00. The book fair will be open at this time if you prefer to shop with your child. Unfortunately I can not make it to this event because my boys have cross country practice and pick up is at 5.
Our annual jog-a-thon will take place September 11. This is a fun event that helps raise money for our classroom. As I mentioned at orientation, the funds I receive for supplies and materials is quite limited. The jog-a-thon allows the kiddos to help raise extra money for our classroom by asking friends and family for donations. I will be sending the paperwork home this week and hopefully your child can be a part of helping to raise extra money for our classroom! I definitely appreciate your support!
Please click on the Homework tab to see this week's homework
Spirit Days:
As a staff, we have decided to change our spirit days.
Wednesday will be Cram Spirit Day (wear a Cram shirt or red/black)
Friday will be University Day (wear SDSU shirt or SDSU colors black and red)