Phonological Awareness: Ending Sound/Blending Phonemes

Sunday, December 13, 2020
Week of December 14-18th
Phonological Awareness: Ending Sound/Blending Phonemes
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Week of December 7-11
Phonological Awareness: Ending Sound/Blending Phonemes
The contest will last 10 school days - November 30 - December 11th.
3. At the close of school on Friday, December 11th, I will send the list of names that have met the requirements.
4. Mrs. Martinez will draw 20 names from the list. Those names will be announced on our Motivational Monday video on December 15th. A special invitation will then be sent home to the family.
On Thursday, December 17th at 5:00pm, Mrs. Martinez will have a workshop set up for students to come. They will receive a gingerbread house kit, cookies and hot chocolate.
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Week of November 30-December 4
This Week:
Phonological Awareness: Ending Sound/Blending Phonemes
The contest will last 10 school days - November 30 - December 11th.
3. At the close of school on Friday, December 11th, I will send the list of names that have met the requirements.
4. Mrs. Martinez will draw 20 names from the list. Those names will be announced on our Motivational Monday video on December 15th. A special invitation will then be sent home to the family.
On Thursday, December 17th at 5:00pm, Mrs. Martinez will have a workshop set up for students to come. They will receive a gingerbread house kit, cookies and hot chocolate.
Friday, November 13, 2020
Week of November 16-20
Theme: Thanksgiving
Phonological Awareness: Blending Phonemes
The contest will last 10 school days - November 30 - December 11th.
3. At the close of school on Friday, December 11th, I will send the list of names that have met the requirements.
4. Mrs. Martinez will draw 20 names from the list. Those names will be announced on our Motivational Monday video on December 15th. A special invitation will then be sent home to the family.
On Thursday, December 17th at 5:00pm, Mrs. Martinez will have a workshop set up for students to come. They will receive a gingerbread house kit, cookies and hot chocolate.
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Week of November 9-13
Theme: Scarecrows
Phonological Awareness: Blending Phonemes
Friday, October 30, 2020
Week of November 2-6
Theme: Shapes
Phonological Awareness: Blending Phonemes
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Week of October 26th
Theme: Transporation
Phonological Awareness: Blending Phonemes
Monday, October 19, 2020
Week of October 19-23
Theme: Movement
Phonological Awareness: Beginning Sounds/Blending Onset and Rime
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Week of October 12th
Theme: Communication
Phonological Awareness: Beginning Sounds/Blending Onset and Rime
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Week of October 5th
Theme: 5 Senses
Phonological Awareness: Beginning Sounds/Blending Onset and Rime
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Week of September 28th
Theme: Working with tools
Phonological Awareness: Beginning Sounds
Friday, September 18, 2020
Week of September 21-25
Theme: Jobs
Phonological Awareness: Beginning Sounds
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Week of September 13-17
Theme: Pets
Phonological Awareness: Words in Oral Sentences/Beginning Sounds
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Week of September 7-11
Theme: School
Phonological Awareness: Beginning Sounds
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Week of August 31st- September 4
Theme: Family
Phonological Awareness: Rhyming
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Week of August 24-28
This Week:
Theme: Welcome to Kindergarten
Concepts of Print: Distinguishing Letters and Numbers/Recognizing first and last names
Phonological Awareness: Blending Syllables and Rhyming
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Week of August 17-21
Theme: Welcome to Kindergarten
Concepts of Print: Distinguishing Letters and Numbers
Phonological Awareness: Blending Syllables and Rhyming
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Welcome to Kindergarten 2020-2021
Friday, February 14, 2020
Week of February 17th
Sight Words: said, was, then
Theme: president
Story Element:
Comprehension Strategy: Connections
Math: Numbers to 100
Writing: Sight Word Sentences
Phonics: Ee
Important Dates
February 17: No School
February 21: Minimum Day/pep rally
One School One Book:
Hope everyone is enjoying The Chocolate Touch! We will take a break from reading it this weekend and continue on Tuesday.
Please click on the homework tab to see the share topic and our daily homework page will come home in red folders on Monday.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Week of February 10th
Sight Words: play, say, new
Theme: friendship
Story Element: sequence of events
Comprehension Strategy:
Math: Numbers to 100
Writing: Sight Word Sentences
Phonics: Jj
Important Dates
February 10: Dismissal for kindergarten will change to front of the school. Please note the details on the letter that was sent home.
February 12: School Spirit Day: Dress like your favorite M&M color
February 14: Valentine Centers
February 17: No School
February 21: Minimum Day
One School One Book:
Hope everyone is enjoying The Chocolate Touch! We will take a break from reading it this weekend and continue on Monday with chapter 5!
Valentines Day:
We will be celebrating Valentines Day in here on February 14th. Cards, trinkets and candy are fine. Please do not address the Valentines to specific students, but instead just send 23 for your child to pass out. It is too hard for them to read the names. We have 23 students who celebrate Valentines Day and we will be passing them out in a systematic way. Thanks for your help in making this day run smoothly. If you'd like to help with centers that day, let me know. I will need at least 5 volunteers from 9:30-11:15ish.
Please click on the homework tab to see the share topic and our daily homework page will come home in red folders on Monday.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Week of January 27th
Sight Words: for, they, up
Theme: 100 Day
Story Element:
Comprehension Strategy:
Math: Numbers to 100
Writing: Sight Word Sentences
Phonics: Oo
Important Dates
January 28: 100th Day (let me know if you'd like to volunteer on this day)
February 3: One School, One Book kick off. Stay tuned for details!
February 10: Dismissal for kindergarten will change to front of the school. We will send specific information on this very soon.
February 14: Valentine Centers
February 17: No School
Please click on the homework tab to see the share topic and our daily homework page will come home in red folders on Monday.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Week of January 20th
Sight Words: go, here, soon
Theme: Penguins
Story Element: Key Details
Comprehension Strategy: Infer
Math: Geometry
Writing: Sight Word Sentences
Phonics: Dd
Important Dates
January 20: No School
January 15: PJ Day
January 22: Class Pictures
January 28: 100th Day (let me know if you'd like to volunteer on this day)
Please click on the homework tab to see the share topic and our daily homework page will come home in red folders on Monday.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Week of January 13th
I will also begin Guided Reading on Monday the 13th, your child will be bringing home their guided reading folder (a large, laminated manila envelope with their name on it) that will hold a book that we read together in a small group in class. This book is what I have determined to be their instructional reading level or close to). Our kindergarten benchmark level is to reach a guided reading level 5 before the end of the year. This will ensure their success in first grade. Typically, the kiddos who struggle to reach this level are kiddos who are struggling with sight words. I can not emphasize enough how important it is that they are making progress with our weekly sight words and/or individualized sight word books. I will use this week to assess and form fluid guided reading groups. Your job is to take time to listen to your child read his/her guided reading book EVERY NIGHT. Rereading several times will help build your child's fluency (ability to read smoothly and not sound like a robot) so the more the better. Read to mom, dad, dog, siblings....whoever will listen. I promise your child will make growth if you are helping build the habits of daily sight word practice and reading of their book. I will be teaching them strategies to use when reading and I will communicate those strategies to you on a book mark that can be kept in their folder for reference in and out of the classroom. When your child comes to a word they don't know, they should be using those strategies to figure it out. If after a few tries, they are still struggling, then you can help them. Please contact me if you have any questions about this process once we begin on the 13th.
This week:
Sight Words: will, be, into
Theme: Snow
Story Element: Key Details
Comprehension Strategy: Connections
Math: Geometry
Writing: Sight Word Sentences
Phonics: Rr
Important Dates
January 20: No School
January 15: PJ Day
January 22: Class Pictures
Please click on the homework tab to see the share topic and our daily homework page will come home in red folders on Monday.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Week of January 6th
1. Be respectful
2. Be safe
3. Be responsible
I will also begin Guided Reading. Beginning Monday the 13th, your child will be bringing home their guided reading folder (a large, laminated manila envelope with their name on it) that will hold a book that we read together in a small group in class. This book is what I have determined to be their instructional reading level. Our kindergarten benchmark level is to reach a guided reading level 5 before the end of the year. This will ensure their success in first grade. Typically, the kiddos who struggle to reach this level are kiddos who are struggling with sight words. I can not emphasize enough how important it is that they are making progress with our weekly sight words and/or individualized sight word books. I will use this week to assess and form fluid guided reading groups. Your job is to take time to listen to your child read his/her guided reading book EVERY NIGHT. Rereading several times will help build your child's fluency (ability to read smoothly and not sound like a robot) so the more the better. Read to mom, dad, dog, siblings....whoever will listen. I promise your child will make growth if you are helping build the habits of daily sight word practice and reading of their book. I will be teaching them strategies to use when reading and I will communicate those strategies to you on a book mark that can be kept in their folder for reference in and out of the classroom. When your child comes to a word they don't know, they should be using those strategies to figure it out. If after a few tries, they are still struggling, then you can help them. Please contact me if you have any questions about this process once we begin on the 13th.
This week:
Sight Words: this, came, on
Theme: Winter
Story Element: Sequence of Events
Comprehension Strategy: Connections
Math: Geometry
Writing: Sight Word Sentences
Phonics: Ii
Important Dates
January 20: No School