Hello everyone! Overall, I was very pleased with our first few days of Distance Learning. Thank you for taking the time to fill out my google survey! Most everyone's concerns were somewhat the same regarding Distance Learning. Many are concerned about screen time and I agree with you. To help ease this, my plan is to teach/train the students to confidently and independently complete repetitive centers. This will allow me to teach a math lesson to them, then ask them to complete 3-4 centers independently. I will repeat the process for English/Language Arts. I will teach the lesson, then have the kiddos complete 3-4 centers. We will begin with English/Language Arts centers on Monday. My centers will be very similar and repetitive to ensure that the kiddos are able to do them somewhat independently without too much supervision from you. I want to build independent learners that are able to transition into a classroom setting successfully at some point. With this in mind, many of the daily materials we use will be the same. This will help build independence as well.
This Week:Theme: Welcome to Kindergarten
Concepts of Print: Distinguishing Letters and Numbers
Phonological Awareness: Blending Syllables and RhymingLetter Names: Bb-Ff
Math: Shapes and Patterns
PE Enrichment:
The students will begin PE Enrichment first thing Monday morning. Instead of joining our classroom at 7:45, they will join Mr. Sinor's classroom. To do this, please add his classroom:
Log into your child's google
Click the "+" symbol up top
Type in this code: yx2hnjd
Click on the assignment for kindergarten.
I will be available in our classroom should you need any help.
Book Boxes:
Our At Home Project is to decorate a shoebox size box to house all your child's sight word books. It would be great if your kiddo could bring their decorated box on Monday after PE Enrichment, but I have no problem if they need more time. It should be a fun and enjoyable project that sparks some creativity.
Google Classroom Assignments:
I'm going to be showing the kiddos how to complete an assignment in our google classroom. This type of assignment will become a daily center job.