Sight Words: went, only, do
Theme: Farm
Story Element: characters, problem, solution
Comprehension Strategy: connections
Math: Addition Stories
Writing: Narratives
Phonics: Uu
Phonemic Awareness Skill: Medial Sounds
Mother's Day Tea Party:
Kindergarten will be having their annual Mothers Day Tea Party on May 10th at 8am. Please check your calendar and make room to be here in the cafeteria for with your child for tea and snacks. The students will have a mother's day present and song for you. It is a very special day and we ask that if you are unable to make it, please have a grandmother, aunt or someone come in your place. Invitations will be coming home soon. You must RSVP for this event.
First grade is approaching fast! When your child gets to first grade, they will have the opportunity to earn "Fun Friday". One thing students must do to earn Fun Friday is complete there homework and their home writing journal. Students who do not turn in their homework in first grade are expected to finish their homework at
Study Hall.
That being said, in an effort to help your child take responsibility of their own homework, students who complete both their daily homework and share homework will earn their toy time on Friday. Those who have unfinished homework, will complete it during toy time.
Duck Eggs:
It is an exciting time of year! We have 12 duck eggs that we have placed in my incubator and we are counting down to Hatch Day! A ducks incubation period is 28 days! We hope we will have a good hatch!
Pennies 4 Patients:
Our school is continuing our service fundraiser that helps raise funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We will be having a spirit week next week to finish off the fundraiser! Here is a breakdown for each day:
Monday: Pajama Pennies
Bring Pennies and wear pjs
Tuesday: Neon Nickels
Bring nickels and wear neon
Wednesday: Dazzling Dimes
Bring dimes and wear sparkles or something that makes you feel special.
Thursday: Crazy Quarters
Bring quarters and wear crazy hair, crazy socks or mismatched clothes
Friday: Duct Tape Dollar Dare
Bring dollar bills and earn a piece of duct tape to tape Coach V to the wall! One piece for each dollar. Wear red today.
Important Dates:
May 8: Duck Hatch Day
May 10: Mother's Day Tea Party 8am
May 15: Minimum Day
May 27: No school
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