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Saturday, January 16, 2021

Week of January 18-22

This Week:

Phonological Awareness: Middle Sound/Blending Phonemes
Letter: Review a, b, n, f
Math:  Chapter 6:  Numbers to 20
Sight Word: Review

Grab and Go Bags:
We will have our February Grab & Go Bags ready for pick up the week of January 25th.  

There will be no Enrichment this week.

Beginning Monday January 11, the students enrichment will change to Music.  The students will be using Zoom for music.

Here is the link:

If you need it, here is the:
Metting ID:  872 4531 8773
Passcode:  700806

I put the link in our google classroom on the stream.  Getting into music may take some getting used to, but will become easy after a time or 2.  
Ms. Prutsman is the music teacher.  She asks that kids do not join the Zoom more than 5 minutes ahead of time.  Waiting in the waiting room for too long can be disruptive.  

Schedule Change:

 I need to change our schedule.  I think you would agree that returning from lunch for small group instruction is difficult for the kiddos. To be honest, it's difficult for me.  It's difficult for the kids to focus and learn content at that time.  I'm planning to change the schedule to ease that struggle for all of us.  Here is how our day will run upon returning in January.
7:45-9:15:  Opening/Calendar/Math/Lexia
9:15-9:30:  Break
9:30-11:15:  Language Arts/Center/Small Groups
**I plan to meet with each group daily (M-Th) during center time.  Groups will be reconfigured and times will be assigned when we return from break.  These groups are fluid and can change.
11:15-11:30:  Read Aloud
11:30-12:00:  Lunch
12:00-12:30:  Art/Singing

On Fridays we will continue to end instruction at 11:30 to allow time for me to administer district required assessments.   

Small Group:
I will be using small group time this week to complete one on one testing.  Please see the testing schedule below:
Tuesday:  Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jonathon, Cameron
Wednesday:  Kenzie, Nahla, Roxanne
Thursday:  Aubrey, Emma, Charlotte, Greyson
Friday:  Royal, Savannah, Michael

Sight Words
So far, we have learned the following sight words:

It is important that your student is able to read these words.  Please use the flashcards to review both these words and the letter names and sounds.  You can be creative and play games with the sight words and letters.  Please reach out to me if you need some ideas as to how to help your student learn these. 

Extra Sight Words
Some of the kiddos may be ready for a quicker paced sight word program.  I will be giving families and kiddos the opportunity to participate in an additional sight word program.  First priority will always be the district's weekly sight words that I teach in class.  The at home sight word program is only appropriate for kiddos who have mastered all the in class sight words and are ready for a faster paced program.  Here's how it works:
1.Go to the google classroom and under classwork you will find a new topic "At Home Sight Word Program" 
2.  Print Book 1 
*When printing, print the cover single sided and the rest of the pages front to back.  
3.  Assemble the book
*Fold the cover in half.  
*Fold the rest of the pages in half and check the order.  You should have List 1 front to back, List 2 front to back, etc.  

Begin practicing List 1 with your child.  When they have mastered List 1 front and back, they can let me know and I will test them on it.  

Mastering?  Kiddos should not be sounding out words.  Also, I will be testing the list out of order.  I recommend out of order practice to ensure mastery.  Let me know if you have any questions.   

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