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Saturday, September 8, 2018

Week of September 10th

Hello! I hope everyone is having a great weekend! 

This week:

Sight Words: and
Theme: Apples and Seasons
Literacy Skill:  Craft and Structure
Story Element: N/A
Comprehension Strategy: Making Connections & Inferring
Math:  Numbers 1-10/Sorting
Writing: Writing with Pictures
Phonics: Nn-Rr

Important Dates:
Sept. 10:  Box Tops Due
Sept. 12:  Jog-A-Thon and Minimum Day
Sept 19:  Math Festival 
October 12:  Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip:
Permission slips will come home Monday in your child's red folder.  The student permission slip is orange.  We are requesting a $10 donation per student to help cover the cost of the bus and entrance fee to the pumpkin patch.  Please fill out the orange permission slip and attach an envelope marked with your child's name with your donation BEFORE Friday.  

We will be drawing 4 parent chaperone names.  IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ENTERED INTO THE DRAWING, PLEASE:
1. Fill out the green parent volunteer permission slip that is also in your child's red folder.  
2.  Attach an envelope clearly marked with your name and include your $10 donation for yourself.  
3.  Green parent volunteer slips along with a donation must be in BEFORE Friday.  
4.  All the names will be placed in a basket and the office staff will draw 4 names from our classroom basket after school on Friday.  I will notify you via BLOOMZ if your name has been chosen.  
5.  Names that will be placed into the basket must:
-Must have parent volunteer paperwork already submitted.
-Must have green parent volunteer permission slip filled out and returned.
-Must have their $10 donation attached to their green permission slip.  

If your name is not chosen, your donation WILL BE returned in your child's red folder the following Monday.  

Let me know if you have any questions?

We will have our Jog-a-thon on Wednesday!  Please send in any donations on the day of the Jog-a-Thon.  They can be placed in your child's red folder.  These donations will go towards future field trips this year for our kindergarteners.  Thanks for your support!  

Scholastic Book Orders
I have placed some Scholastic Book Order catalogs in your child's red folder along with an explanation of how you can purchase books for your child.  Our classroom earns bonus points for your orders and those points are used to purchase books for our classroom library.  I'll be honest, our classroom books are well used!  Kindergarteners can be rough on books and many of our books are falling apart.  It would be great to be able to replace some of the old, ripped books in our library.  You can easily place an online order by clicking on the "book order" tab on this website. 

My BIG List of Kindergarten Goals
I found a great, free resource on-line that I am sending home.  It will help give you an idea of what your child should be able to do by the end of kindergarten to be prepared for first grade.  This chart does not cover all the common core standards, but I feel it hits some of the most important ones.  Keep it as a reference.  Use is as a guide as to what you can be working on at home or in the car.  

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