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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Week of September 17th

This week:

Sight Words: can
Theme: Apples and Seasons
Literacy Skill:  Craft and Structure
Story Element: N/A
Comprehension Strategy: Making Connections & Inferring
Math:  Sorting
Writing: Writing with Sentences
Phonics: Ss-Ww

Important Dates:
Sept 19:  Math Festival 
October 10:  Minimum Day
October 12:  Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip:
Thanks to those of you who returned your child's permission slip for the pumpkin patch.  I do have several that did not include the $10 donation and this is much appreciated.  If you were planning to donate, please send in asap.    
Our parent chaperones for the field trip will be:
Tamara Cook
Robert Goss
Genifer Reid
Arlene Rocha

I will be returning the donation to the parents who's names were not drawn on Monday in your child's red folder.  

We had so much fun at our Jog-a-Thon and you guys helped raise almost $1500 as a grade level.  Thank you so much for your support!    

Scholastic Book Orders
I will be placing the scholastic order on Monday.  Please place any online orders before then.

Johnny Appleseed's Birthday:
We will be celebrating Johnny Appleseed's birthday on September 26th.  We will be making apple pies in class!   I will need some extra help that morning from 7:45-10:00 that day.  Please let me know if you are able to come in and help!  Thanks!

Picture Proofs
Picture proofs are coming home Monday in red folders.  You can place an order by filling our the form and returning it in your child's red folder before the due date.  There are make up pictures, if you would like your child to take another picture, please let me know.

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