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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Week of August 27th

The students had a great week and we are working hard to learn routines and self control in the classroom.  I like to spend as much time as needed learning and focusing on these two things as they lay the foundation for the whole year!  I have a lot of information to go over in this post, so please feel free to message me on Bloomz or catch me at the playground gate before or after school to ask me questions for clarification.  

Homework will consist of the same components as last week.    To see what the share homework topic is, click on the homework tab.  There you will find details and instruction about our weekly homework.  If you are viewing our website from a mobile device, you MUST scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on "view desktop version" in order to have access to the website's tabs.  

*Remember, share homework is due any day Monday-Thursday.  The daily homework page is due Friday.  

Any questions?  Please contact me via Bloomz or email and I can help you navigate the website.  

This week:

Sight Words: like
Theme: Friendship
Literacy Skill:  Details
Story Element: Characters, Problem and Solution
Comprehension Strategy: Making Connections 
Math:  Learning about Math Manipulatives
Writing: Writing with Pictures
Phonics: Ff-Jj

Important Dates:
August 20:  Spirit Cup Fundraiser Begins 
August 27-31:  Book Fair in MPR
August 30:  Ice Cream Social in MPR 5-7pm
Sept 3:  No School
Sept. 12:  Jog-A-Thon
October 12:  Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Book Fair:  The book fair will be happening this week in the MPR.  I will be taking the students to the book fair on Wednesday.  You can send some cash in an envelope labeled "Book Fair" with your child's name on it in their red folder Monday-Wednesday morning and I will hold it until we go.  They have a lot of books, but they also have trinket toys.  If you would only like your child to purchase books, please label the envelope "books only" so we can be sure they only buy books.  Please understand that if you send an envelope Thursday or Friday, I will not be able to take time to walk them to the book fair.  The book fair will be available for you and your child to shop at AFTER school each day, if you choose.  You do not need to send money to shop with me.  Please contact me if you have questions about the book fair.

PTSA Membership:  We are having a PTSA Membership drive.  Information and envelopes came home the first full week of school.  The class with the most memberships wins a pizza party.  Membership is $9 per member.  This money goes to PTSA to help buy things for our students.  So far, we have 2 memberships.  I'm hoping we can get this number up.  Please contact me if you need a new envelope to join PTSA.

Ice Cream Social:  This is a yearly tradition here at Cram.  This is happening in the MPR Thursday evening.  Come enjoy free ice cream and have an opportunity to shop at the book fair.  

Volunteers:  I know a few have messaged me letting me know you have turned in your volunteer paperwork.  Can everyone do me a favor?  If you know you have completed your paperwork to volunteer, can you message me on Bloomz, letting me know.  Also, in that message can you tell me if you are willing to volunteer weekly, in the classroom, or if you are only interested in going on field trips, coming to class parties an other school events.  I am specifically looking for weekly classroom volunteers to begin helping, but the completed paperwork is a must.  Let me know what day works best for you weekly and whether you'd like to help 7:45-9:15 or 9:45-11:15.  Or you can help both times as well.  I'd like to get my weekly parent helper schedule organized, so please message me on Bloomz or talk to me at the playground gate before or after school.  Thank you!

Room Parents:  I need 1 or 2 volunteers who are willing to be my room parent.  PTSA is having a meeting on Sept. 20th at 7:45 in the MPR where you will receive all the info you need.  I promise, it's easy to be my room parent!  

Sight Word Booklets:  Just a reminder about sight work booklets:  Each book has 10 lists.  The front of the list has words, the back of the list has phrases.  When your child has mastered list 1 in the red booklet, please place it in their red folder and I will test them.  They will receive a brag tag when they read the list fluently to me and I will sign them off and send the book back home for them to begin mastering list 2 and so on.  If your child can read all 10 lists in the red booklet already, please write a note on a post-it and place it on the front of the booklet and I will test them on the entire book and then move them onto the green booklet.  This program is an individually paced program, but I am looking for each child to progress at a steady rate.  Practicing their list is a part of their nightly homework and your child's ability to read sight words fluently will have a direct impact on their ability to learn to read.  Sight words are extremely important.  Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Jog-A-Thon:  This year's Jog-A-Thon will take place on Sept. 12th.  I will send information about this event home this Wednesday providing you with the details of this event.  

Spirit Week:  We are having a Spirit Week at Cram this week!  Here are the dress up themes for each day:
Monday:  Wear your favorite hat
Tuesday:  Wear crazy socks
Wednesday: Mismatched clothes or crazy hair
Thursday:  Dress Hawaiian
Friday:  Wear Cram colors (red shirt or cram t-shirts)

Name Writing:  It is important that your child is learning to write his/her name correctly.  This means using a capitol at the beginning and lowercase for the remaining letters.  If your child is mixing capitol letters in the middle of their name, please have them practice their name correctly.  Thanks for your support!  

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